maandag 8 december 2014


The Relay-stations between Thabraca and Rusazus.

Until now we have treated seven important Phoenician/Punic settlements along the coast of mainly Algeria. They are not always separated from each-other by the assumed amount of kilometres for Phoenician ships for one-day sailing = c.50 km. It is true, when they were sailing night and day, they could cover c.100 km, but that was not always the case. There must have been relay-stations in between.
Capital letters: the nowadays names.
TABARKA Thabraca
| c.35 km
VIEUX EL KALA                                       Relay
| c.55 km
ANNABA Hippo Regius
| c.45 km
CHETAIBI                                                   Relay
| c.55 km
SKIKDA Rusicade
| c.5 km
| c.40 km
COLLO Chullu
| c.40 km
| c.15 km                                                        Relay
Oued el KEBIR Ampsaga
| c.30 km
JIJEL Igiligili
| c.40 km
ZIAMA/MANSOURIA Choba                    Relay
| c.20 km
AOKAS                                                        Relay?
| c.20 km
| c.35 km
Oued DAAS                                                 Relay
| c.35 km
There could have been 5 or 6 relay-stations between the 7 mayor settlements. Only from ZIAMA (Choba) and the Oued el KEBIR (Ampsaga) are the names for the relay-stations from antiquity known. In the relay-stations hardly any Phoenician or Punic relict has been found. Maybe they sailed indeed regularly day and night.

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